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November 12, 2008



I'm getting into scrapbooking layouts (slowly) so I really appreciate seeing how I can integrate my lovely stamps into the bigger form factors. Great job and beautiful kids.

Melanie Muenchinger

FABULOUS pages Erika!!(but I am partial to the cookie one, it just SPEAKs to me!! (pardon me please while I go find somehitng to eat now)great journalling!!

Mary Anderson

I *love* using stamps on scrap pages. I really like that you used the chocoalte chip as a backgrounder to your cookie page. The Tennis T is perfect for your second scrap page. Awesome pages Erika.



Love the way you used this set on your layouts...just wonderful pages!


Love the Cookie Monster picture! Precious!

Kurtis Amundson

What cute pages...I really need to get into scrapbooking...I started one for my Momma but it's still sitting half finished.


I wanna scrap like you! These pages and the ones before this are all gorgeous!!!

Le@nne (Scrapshare)

Oh my! This could be my second dd! She loves to cook, and can't play tennis but wants to be amongst it all.
Great layouts, thanks for sharing :)


Your pages are awesome! I also love to use stamps for scrapbooking. I do not think I could scrapbook without adding some stamped image to a page!

Carolyn King

ohhhh...GREAT pages Erika! I love what you do with stamps on your pages--awesome!


Oh I love both pages! Your cookie ideas are fabulous!

Queen Mary

Erika, these are both fantastic! This weekend for sure -- of course I have to send out the Thanksgiving invites (preferably BEFORE thanksgiving), and work on my Soulology pages, but I am SO diggin' the t-shirts and cookies! Mary


Ohhh these are FABulous!!! I do love seeing how stamps can be used in scrapbooking!!!


Whoo hoo!! I love your pages, Erika! So awesome... both of them!!

Donna B

wow! fun pages - I LOVE them, it's so fun to incorporate your love of stamping with your love of scrapping. Your daughter looks like she's having a ball & congrats on your new home!


Oh, now THAT is the CUTEST cookie monster ever!


LOVE these pages!!! Her personality totally shines. :)


OH Wow, Erika! I LOVE your fabulous and wonderful scrapbook pages! It's so cool to see a different take on Gina's stamps--scrapping + stamping = a good good thing!!! It doesn't hurt that your little cookie monster is super adorable! I love seeing the versatility--cards, scrapbook pages, gifts...this DT's creativity knows no bounds!!! So inspiring, tfs! :) xoxo hugs~

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