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July 29, 2008


Amanda Angert

Congratulations on the big move and getting your own space -- how awesome!!!! I think you should paint your room Baja Breeze...it's such a nice color! For the Decor Elements, it's a three way tie between "Happiness", the definition of create or "Life is good" inside the "Flourish Frame".

Good luck and don't forget to post pictures of your new space!!!


I would choose River Rock and the Create Definition for your walls. Good luck with the move...I hate moving!


Oh this is easy. My favorite SU color is Old Olive. I even painted my bathroom that color. You can see it here: http://scrapsbym.blogspot.com/2008/05/its-done.html
I think the white Create definition would really pop on this color.
Good luck with the move!!


For a creative space I would pick a warm color like So Saffron, and use the Chocolate Happiness accent, which I love! Good luck with the move!


Well, I know you like to make cards in earth tones, although lately you have had some very cheerful and bright looking cards. So i am thinking more earthy for your room. If it were my room, I'd paint it one of the old colors, Wild Wasabi and accent it with the chocolate colored Manhattan Flowers of all sizes. I'd also trim the bottom with Chocolate Chip. Another thing I was thinking of, which might make the room a bit more cheerful would be So Saffron the Chocolate Manhattan flowers. But how completely awesome would Cool Carribean and Chocolate look? I am completely jealous of your studio too! :) You are very blessed indeed.


I just repainted two rooms after the release of the new Decor Elements. I love how they came out! The family room is Creamy Caramel with a Chocolate Family DE - I told my hubby that's so he will know what room he is in. I repainted my dining/stamping room Certainly Celery. It makes it so peaceful in there and now I want to stamp in that room all the time! So my recommendation to you are either of these colors. Creamy Caramel for it's earthy feel that matches your love of outdoors, or Certainly Celery with it's cool, mellow vibe that inspires creation. With either choice, you definitely need the "Create" definition DE!

Can't wait to see your new studio! Best of luck with the move!

Gail S.

I like neutral colors and accent with color. So maybe creamy caramel for the walls. The Decor Elements I like the chocolate flowers. I would add the punch of colors with curtains and pillows.

Kathi B

I don't have a color suggestion for you but I wanted to give you some congrats on the new home.


Woohoo - congrats on your new house!!! I personally LOVE certainly celery and would think the "Happiness" decor elements would be perfect:)


Erika I know what it's like! Ken and I had been married 12 years before buying our first home! I also got a studio - and I LOVE IT!

I am really into Groovy Guava right now. I just love the cheeriness of it! However,I don't really know how well it would go with the chocolate flowers from the decor elements line.

Heather Fullerton (Retired Heather)

I am so happy for you. May all your dreams come true at your new home...Enjoy. I would paint the walls a lovely earthy tone...with accents in Mellow Moss and small amountns of taken with teal. The main color should be a creamy colr. I would see Create as the chosen decor element.


I'm a fan of the old olive, but I can't decide about the decor elements. So glad its you moving, not me, but yay for you to be buying a home!


Mellow moss for your paint color because it's so soothing. I have that color in my bedroom and it makes me so happy. I think every stamp room should have the create definition on it. In chocolate of course! Have fun painting and decorating!!

Carla Pullum

To everything in sky blue!!! I love the beach theme!! Gives a since of piece! Congrats on the move!!!!!


Congrats on your first house!

I love the earth elements family, but I prefer to craft in an area that is bright and cheery. My room is yellow and orange. I LOVE IT. Although I think sometimes it is too bright. I would recommend soft sky with chocolate accents.


I vote for Mellow Moss Walls and the Chocolate Chip "Create" Decor Elements. Best wishes on your move- it will be fun, exciting, a pain the back end, alot of work, and very rewarding!


Congratulations! How exciting for you guys! I'll be painting my laundry room soft sky pretty soon so I think that is a GREAT color for ya! :o) I love the "Life is Good" element. If I had the right kind of walls I would totally put that in the above mentioned laundry room! Good luck moving...I hope it all goes great!


A yellow kitchen is a happy kitchen with the sun shining in. My first home had one. The house we have now is indian orange in the kitchen (but I have new paint!)

Kim Williams

Congrats on your new home Erika! What a wonderful adventure!

I just love Mellow Moss...it is so calming and pretty. And I think "Life is Good" (because man, it is, isn't it?) or the "Create" definition would be very nice in your new studio.

All the best to you during the move. Take lots of pictures to show us the space you are getting!



Congratulations on your new home! I would do something like sky blue, with a hint of blue buyou (they go great and compliment each other), along with some sandy or light creamy caramel thrown in to be light, bright, airy and downright beachy!


I love Mellow Moss and Create/Happiness would fit the mood! Congratulations on your new home, how exciting!

Le@nne (Scrapshare)

Well I think Wild Wasabi with the CREATE DEFINITION
Large: 11" x 30-1/2" medium: 7-1/2" x 20" - and accents in Bashful Blue :)
You are one of the most creative people I've come across! I love looking at your scrapbook pages and cards :)

Carey Rogers

I love my stamp studio and know you will love yours!! I made mine creamy caramel color. The Organic Outline Decor elements would be darling.

pedstamper at sbc global dot net

cathy tidwell

Oh, Congrats on getting your new home and a STUDIO! Thats soo awesome! I remember me and DH getting our first home and how exciting it was! (took us long time too, lol)

I'm not real familiar with SU! colors yet, but I can see you using a soft green...then the flourish frame with 'life is good'.


I can't wait to see pictures of your new home! How exciting. I can feel a scrapbook page coming up!

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