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October 02, 2007



Gorgerous card!!!

Alexandra Hobson

Awesome card - you are soooo creative! I love this! *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex


I love it. Scan it for me. ;)


I love it. Scan it for me. ;)

Gina K.

That is very cool! Love it!


Love it! The shabby look is fabulous and I love the brads!


Erika, This Card is a WOW!!! At first glance the edges of the paper pieces look like they are silver embossed. What an awesome way to use smaller strips of paper.. I may have to demo this card to show just how useful scraps could be, even though you set out and cut them from full sheets.
Thank you for this bit of inspiration. It's amazing! You certainly deserve a few atta-girls :)
Hugs, Lourin

Becky Campbell

I love the Brocade background paper and have kept all of my scraps! Thanks for showing me how to use the all up...this is perfect! Oh, and I do so love Christmas cards!

Shawn K.


You rock! Wow! This card is so cool and so darn creative...I guess that's why you're the "Stamping Mama" (or Stamping Diva as I like to think about you).

Thanks for sharing,

Shawn K.

Erica T

WOW, I have some of this paper kickin' around and I'm gonna have to case this awesome card. TFS


Very Cool! I really like that Erika! Great Job!

christina fischer

This is so cool and creative! Definitely a WOW!!

Melissa (smileytexan)

Wow. . . I LOVE this card! Never would have thought of doing that with the papers, but I love how it turned out! Gorgeous!

Michele Robie

Erika, I too thought they were silver embossed and might try that sometime with night of navy as that background? I wish i had more time to stamp.


This is super cute and I love the mix of metals in the brads! Love it!!! TFS

Amy Hoogstad

Wow! This is really unique - I love how subtle it is (i.e. the different earth tones of the brads). Love it!!


What a great design... love the different designer paper and the brads... TFS!

Catherine Harwood

Erika -- This is inspired and such a great Christmas use of the Brocade papers. LOVE it!!!


All I can say is WOW. You're ideas and talent are always a source of inspiration to me.


Simply stunning!

Gina Wrona

I love it just as much as the cake one! YOU ROCK!!!

Mary C. Anderson

Erika, I know I have said this to you before. I am saying it again. You are amazing. Your talent is just incredible and I am so glad that you share your talent with all of us.Both of the Chrsitmas trees you made using paper only are gorgeous. Unique in there own way. Just like you. ;)



I absolutely LOVE this!!!


I absolutely LOVE this!!!

Mary Davidson

Fabulous card!!! So creative! I love it!

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