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July 30, 2007



This is just beautiful.. What a loving tribute to honor your grandmother with. And your grandfather, too, really, when you think about it. I've been wiping a tear or two reading your post.


Oh Erika, Your heart is so Full of Love. Your "personal" posts always remind me of just how important the love in our life is. What a beautiful tribute to your grandmother. I know I once said in an earlier post that it's easy to see how you have come to be such a loving and caring person...I say it again. The love you share with us, that is the love of your family, is beautiful!
Blessings to you all!
Hugs, Lourin

Tina Suzan

I, and I'm sure at least 99% of your readers are feeling such love from you, in deciding to share this little memorial book with all of us!!! You are so filled with love, caring and sharing that it isn't really a big surprise. I would certainly imagine it was VERY theraputic AND your way of sharing it with your daughter was HUGE in my mind. I KNOW I would have had the same "first reaction" that you did, and it's soooo WONDERFUL that you included her!!!
Huges, Peace & Laughter to your family,

Tina Suzan

Tammy Nichols

Wow. Makes me miss my grandparents so much. I had a cousin (whom I thought of as sister) die in a motorcycle accident seven years ago this coming October. I miss her so much. I think I will gather some pictures and do one of those for her mom. She was 19. Thank you for sharing a piece of your heart. Good job on including your little one, I would have done the same.

Gina (Meet my Brother)

Those are beautiful. I love that you let your daughter help with the books. That was a very special thing to do. Thank you so much for sharing them with us.

Donna Baker

Erika, this is so precious...not only your gift of the memorial book, but letting go & letting your daughter be a part of it will be a precious memory to her. This brought tears to my eyes, you really are still in the healing process & that's good! Thanks for sharing your heart with us.

Beth B.

Erika - those turned out beautiful and all the more memorable since your daughter helped you. Your grandmother was beautiful! I think it must have been very therapeutic for you; if not at that moment, but maybe later when you look through your book and remember putting them together with your daughter. I know what you mean about being hard to let go and give in, but sometimes that's the best thing, when you look back on it. Thanks for sharing your story with us. Have a great day -

Beth (mommy to an almost-4 yr old)

Kathy W

Thank you for sharing something very touching. My mother requested no service, and although we honored her wishes, we suffered with no closure. When my dad passed away, we decided to have a "double memorial" that helped our family a great deal. In letting your daughter help you, you gave her a gift that probably you were given from your grandma...someone to allow you to make decisions and a chance to learn how to do something, even if imperfect. I love the quotes you have in your book; what a beautiful tribute to your grandma.

Mary C. Anderson

What a lovely way to celebrate your grandmothe's life. Bless your heart for making 8 of these beautiful mini books so that all of your family could each have one. You and your daughter did a beautiful job cutting the card-stock. I enjoyed looking at all of the pictures Erika. Your grandmother was a very beautiful young woman. Time may rob us of our outside beauty but it can not rob us of the beauty within...........not unless we allow it to. It sounds as though your grandmother did not allow that to happen.

Thinking of you.



This is so nice....what a great memory! I only have one living grandparent...my grandma...she is 87 and not doing well. I actually went to see her yesterday. I know my heart will break when I do lose her. I hope this photo book was a healing process for you...wish I had known you back in January! HUGS!


Wow, Erika! That was an awesome post! I know that feeling of wanting something done just right...but you did good in letting your little girl help! That was a very wonderful memorial to your grandmother. Thanks for taking the time to share it with us. Grandmothers are special people in our lives. I know my maternal grandmother was! I never knew my paternal grandmother or grandfather....I am awaiting my 5th grandchild's birth, any day now. Thanks again for sharing from your heart.


Thank you Erika so much for posting this. My mom lost her best friend last month and seeing your little accordion book makes me realize how much such a treasure would help her. We are all missing her so very much and going through the process of gathering pictures and putting everything together will certainly help dealing with the loss.

Jenny Wrona

Erika ~ thank you so much for posting this! You did such a beautiful job with this and should be proud! I can image how this would prove to be theraputic for you! I am sure letting your daughter help you in YOUR project wasn't easy, but that sure was special for her too! thanks again for sharing with us!

Patti Williamson

Thank you so much for sharing this with us. Your grandmother was beautiful.

My father in law passed away two months ago. Perhaps I can use this idea as a gift at Christmas time for my husband's family. I think it would be very much appreciated. He was a wonderful man and I still miss him deeply.

Thank you for sharing such a personal part of your life with us. I truly appreciate it.


Those memory books are beautiful, and so was your grandmother ! You're right she does look like a movie star in that black and white picture !
I can see things from her in your face too, the chin, the lips....
I'm sure your grandfather was touched by it, and your little reunion in her favorite restaurant with her favorite meal was such a great idea.

I lost my beloved Grandma in 2000 and I still think often about her.

I had a big smile on my face while reading you because of the way you reacted when your daughter wanted to participate. I am like that also, afraid the project won't be the way I want it and I have a hard time letting go...I'm working on leting her having her way more often but it's hard ! :-)

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