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April 12, 2007



This clip is so funny - I had to watch all of the episode previews - my fav. is #6 when scrubby has to move into the shed - my DH threatens to do that every time I bring new stamping stuff into the house, LOL!

Mary C. Anderson

Thanks for sahring this. What a hoot this woman /male is. :) I have seen the first episode and laughed until I had tears running down my face. Of course Wayne thought I was nuts. But I had no idea that more episodes were made. And she has a blog too. I read some of that and that made me laugh too. Thanks for sharing the laughter Erika.


Jana Weaver

I wanna come stamp with you and laugh!!! That would be SOO much fun. Maybe next time I visit new england I can spare a day in Vermont! :-) Thanks for this morning's giggle!!


Jenny McCann

This is sooo funny, thanks for sharing. I live in the UK and am not so much into scrapping but I can just see all those earnest english wannabie scrappers in this clip. You know the ones who have learned the jargon but don't want to really commit!!!!!I would love to show this in my shop!!


Oh Erika... Im so glad I got out of bed early enough to squeze in some A.M. Computer time!! Of course your blog is First on my stop! I can't wait to see what you come up with for this contest. Did you see the "hidden" clip on the bottom of the contest page..... I wish some of my customers were this persistant about there Scrapbooking Budgets Ha! Now, I want to come over and scrap with you and watch them all. Let us know when you post your entry so we can all vote on it. Have a Fantastic Day. Hugs and Love, Lourin

Nicole Seitler

Oh, that's good. Passing it on to Travis... ;)


This CRACKED ME UP!!! There's a whole DVD of this???


What a hoot! I had the preview for this as an introduction to a presentation I am doing on Digital Scrapbooking with kids at an Educational Technology Conference in May ... I had no idea there was a whole DVD! Off to order NOW!


That was too funny! I guess we do take this stuff pretty seriously!

Tina Suzan

Not only are you supremely talented BUT you also make us laugh!!! The best medicine EVER....THANKS FOR SHARING!!!!

In Peace,
Tina Suzan

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