I have some exciting news to share with you today! :)
I'm a member on the NEW Tuscan Rose Design Team!
Last August, I was looking for an Eiffel Tower stamp. I found the PERFECT one through Tuscan Rose. Click here to see it ----> Collage Fragments It was then that I fell in love with Patty's products. Click here to see my first post about Tuscan Rose ----> I think I'm in love...
Ever since then, I've been following Patty's blog over at River Bench Ranch Studio. Patty is an amazing artist and I look forward to her new journal pages every day. Her creativity and artistic energy astounds me. I'm always in awe when I see what Patty comes up with.
Through a quick series of emails earlier this week, the Tuscan Rose Design Team was born. I am SO excited to be on this team! I can't wait to get my first package of products to work with next week, though I already own quite a stash of Patty's stamps, so it's not like I don't have anything to work with yet. :) I'm absolutely over the moon with excitement with the first package that she's sending because she's already told me what's going to be in it. :) oooooh! Can't WAIT to start playing with it!
Click here to see all of Patty's great stuff ----> Tuscan Rose
I guarantee that you'll fall in love, too!
There are 4 other girls on the new Tuscan Rose Design Team and you can check them all out by going to Patty's blog and clicking on their blog links. Click here -----> Tuscan Rose Design Team
Happy Creating!
-Stampin' Mama
COngratulations - that is really awesome! I love your blog and see EXACTLY why you got picked! You go girl!!! Alex
Posted by: stamperalex | April 28, 2007 at 12:38 AM
Yahoo girlie .. Congrates to you .. this is soooo awesome and you sooo deserve it ..
Dawn Griffith
Posted by: Dawn Griffith | April 28, 2007 at 05:31 AM
Oh Erika, I am so very happy for you! You are such an artistic and creative person and you deserve to be on lots of design teams. Congratulations Erika. You are the *best*. I will be looking forward to all of your new designs for Tuscan Rose. You go girl!
Posted by: Mary C. Anderson | April 28, 2007 at 05:22 PM
Congrats!!! Their products look fun! Have a great time and can't wait to see what you make!
Posted by: Heidi K. | April 29, 2007 at 08:50 AM
This is going to be good! I am so anxious to see what amazing things your creative mind will make with that great line of stamps.
Posted by: Sharon in NE | April 29, 2007 at 12:52 PM